Baby I shine So Bright,
and You would Just Dim
My Star......
Composed By
8:05:00 PM
ID: Relationships, The Past
In My headphones: Beyonce - I Am.... Sasha Fierce [I love this baby, B never falls short. Check It Out!]
I gave my job my 2 week notice and they all mad at me. But hey I gave em a full 2 week notice and I gotta do what I gotta do, I gotta get the hell up outta this trap that is Ohio. I got less than 2 weeks left in Ohio and its actually starting to hit me now that I'm not coming back. It feels good but I'm also sad at the same time. I just hope I get to say goodbye to all the people I will truly miss. Like my family and true friends. I dunno it seems as i get closer and closer to thanksgiving it hits a little harder everyday. But @ the end of the day I know I'm ready for a change and this is just the stepping stone I need to get out there and start making my life what I truly want it to be.
Composed By
11:53:00 AM
Finally after damn near 3 months of waiting everything seems to be falling into place with this school situation. I finally got the go ahead and I have been giving the word that everything should transition smoothly into next quarter. I doubt everything will but I'm keeping hope with this move.
Hold on my mind is starting to wonder because one of the only 5 fine ass men @ my school[This Guy Ranks #1] is in this class walking around and all i can concentrate on is the way back of his shirt is moving [I LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!].
He just walked out. That is definitely something I'm going to miss.
Anyways now the hard part is explaining to my job. They're gonna be crushed but oh well i gotta do what i gotta do. GOOD BYE OHIO! I wont I Repeat Wont Miss your ass. I wont lie there are somethings I'm leaving behind that I will miss like my close immediate family & best friend. But besides that I wont me missing a damn thing. I've been trying to spend time with people but no one seems to be on it so now my attitude is whatever if I don't see you or spend time with you before I go oh well! I tried. And now in about 2 1/2 weeks I'll on to bigger and better things so eat dust! What I'm looking forward to most out of this move is A New Job! More Money! My Own Place/Car And getting to know my Twin Bros & Lil Sister. Its very important to me that I know them. I also want to Meet a lot of new people and friends and hopefully a new Boo![A Nigga can dream cant he!], And hopefully become closer with my dad and come out to him. Coming out to him is what I'm dreading most but its also something I have thought a lot about lately and I feel as if I'm prepared to do it. I think I am because deep down I don't know what his reaction will be and I want it to consume his every thought. I am far from the kind of son my dad wants that is something I've always known and I guess when I do reveal it to him I'll be taking a couple steps farther away from what he wants and I'll be a couple steps closer to the person I hope to become someday.
Composed By
8:43:00 PM
Composed By
9:26:00 PM
ID: Barack Obama, My President
At a red carpet interview, Soulja Boy reportedly said the following:
“Hold up! Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we’d still be in Africa.
We wouldn’t be here [in America] to get this ice and tattoos.”
-He really Does Have Shit For Brains... [Blackerdry At Its Best]-
Diddy’s artist Donnie Klang really let it all out in an interview with a New York radio station. Of his boss and Black people, he said:
“I’m going to tell you the truth … its hell working with Diddy, he never really gives you a say dealing with your career - its always what he wants. He is trying to make me something I’m not. He wants me to act Black … I’m not sure why maybe because the majority of the Bad boy family is Black. I’m not really sure if this is the place for me anymore, but I’m trying to work through with this and to tell you the truth its really hard to work with Black people in general."
-Boy Stop! Yo Ass Gone Be Dropped Next-
Composed By
4:57:00 PM
1 Thoughts
ID: Negativity, Random