I Tell ya every time I give someone a chance again they ruin it. I'm done with guys from my hometown, I'm sure of it. the guy who I was talking to who from back home I think I Refer to As T on here [if I didn't who really cares?] appeared out of nowhere again after disappearing for weeks. It seems like ill talk to this guy for a good 2 weeks and hell disappear for at least 3-4 wks and return with a new phone number and acting as if we just talked yesterday. I don't even like dude seriously. I'm only halfheartedly sexually attracted to him [aint that a shame]. Before he contacted me a couple days ago he was telling me how he hit up my ex on Myspace [they're old friends from high school who talked but their was no connection] and they exchanged numbers, and messaged each other etc. So he calls me up telling me how he talked to my ex and how he seen my ex's new boyfriend and how cute my ex was blah blah etc. Old shit I already know. He talks about my ex as if he's trying to get some kind of rise or start some kind of drama but seems taken aback when I tell him oh, OK. That's cool. Hes like you don't care if i talk to him. I'm like no. me and my ex are friends and we don't even talk on the phone like that he may text me like once every 2 months to see how I'm doing and that's the extent of the conversation. at this point T is seeming kind of salty. I mean I only told him I didn't care about my Ex how many times? Been There, Done That, Moved On. So the next day I talk to my Ex and I tell him about T. Hes like "oh he didn't tell me you guys talked or whatever.... that's why he was asking me stuff about you on Myspace and stuff," I'm like "yeah he told me talked to you on their. I told him "T's OK but I don't like him and theirs nothing more than a slight sexual attraction." He's like "I really don't see him as your type". I tell him "hes not honestly" he also told me T asked to hang with him and his new Bf and he told T No. We laugh and hang up. So what do ya know the next day T hits me up. We talk about nothing[as usual] and he asks me when the last time I talked to my Ex. I tell him annoyed last night and that I told him that we talked. He's like "Shocked" and then he's like "I didn't tell him we talked.... that's why he isn't answering any of my Texts or anything." At this point I'm thinking what is he trying to pull. Putting the math together I think hes trying to talk to both of us at the same time or what? I Dunno. Then he starts to laugh like maybe I shouldn't be talking to both the Exes at the same time. I Tell Him that I don't care who he talks to because I'm not dating either of them and I'm grown and can do what the hell I want when I want and so can he, and that him talking to my ex doesn't bother me in the least bit. I also told him im not feeling him like that. He's like don't act like you don't care about my Ex blah blah blah. I tell him whatever I don't know what he's on but I'll talk to him later because he talks about nothing!!!! And to be quite frank I don't have time for someone trying to start drama.
So anyways he hits me up like 3 days ago and I tell him ill call him back since I was truly busy at the moment. I didn't call him back. The next day after i lay down at someone blows my phone up 4 times while I'm sleep. NOW AGAIN! Everybody knows when I'm sleep! I'M SLEEP!. Aint no coming back. Especially to answer the phone for someone I don't really like. I can see if it was someone I like but no it wasn't so I let it ring and rolled over. No Pillow talk Tonight! Sorry For ya! I mean we wasn't gonna talk about shit anyway. conversation with this guy is Mundane, tired, and boring as hell. All he wants to do is talk about sex. That's it. talking about sex and exchanging pictures gets so boring after a while. At this point I'm so damn annoyed! So Thursday night he calls and we talk for about a half hour. He gonna tell me I be on Bullshit cause I like to play phone tag. Excuse me? I dont call you, you call me. So what the hell are you talking about. I'm Annoyed. Conversation commences and The whole time I'm sleepy as hell, bored as hell, wondering why I'm wasting my time and ready to get off the phone. I told him I was coming home the first of May and someone auto assumed they were getting some of this. Um..... NO! N.O. I mean he still at this point thinks hes gonna get the chance to poke at this. Naw sorry. After ignoring his relentless banter about what he THINKS hes gonna do to my "cheeks" <-[His words, Tomfoolery @ its best!] he switches the conversation from sex to ...... For A Thousand Alex....... SEX! UGH!!!!!!
[This is what my eyes looks like in the direction of the phone at this point....] [BTW, This Child is sending someone Some serious Heat! Cyclops Style!]
I'm sorry I enjoy sex just as much if not More than the next man, I Have a very high sex drive, I'm a big freak and I love getting it BUT that don't mean I wanna talk about it ALL day. Theres more to me than that. I told myself after breaking up with my ex that I would try to get to know guys I talked to before jumping into all that sex talk. Because quite frank I want the guy to get to know me. I wanna take things slow and know you. Not just fuck you. lmao. At first I was interested but as you can see I'm clearly not. Someone as of yesterday is getting cut off. I Will no longer be answering his calls or texts. I'm just plain annoyed. I'm Done.
Number of Sad/Psycho Ass Que[Of Day26] Face's [Out Of 5]
He Gets 4: For Being a Repeat Offender / Paper Gangsta
2 Thoughts:
omg this was da best... im so mad you put those pictures of Q up u know u wrong for that! LMAO
»memphiz: It Had To Be Done..... Just Had Too.
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