Forgiving People is something I'm still learning to do, I guess. Yesterday I sat in church and the sermon was about learning to forgive. I have forgiven a lot of people in my life for all they put me through coming up And trust me I went through a lot of unnecessary things no one should have to go through, But for the most part I feel as if I have Let Go of a lot of things that were breaking my spirit. The problem is I feel as if theirs still some things that recur in my memories that I think about at times without even realizing I'm revisiting it in my head until I noticed my mouth moving. Yes! i caught my self talking to myself the other day about something that happened in the past. I was taken aback. I didn't even realize that I was replaying the situation. I immediately began to pray and ask God to Heal My Heart and allow to me to rid myself of things that I am allowing to linger and carry around within myself.
Yesterday, in church he said exactly what I needed to hear. A lot of what I already knew but it helped None the less. There is a lot I have gotten over from my past but I guess there is still some things I still haven't gotten over and some things I just haven't let my being release. I Guess all I can do is continue to Pray On It.... Nothing happens over night.
I'm A Work in Progress....
6 Thoughts:
Yea it's hard to forgive sometimes ... but just pray on it like you've been doing. I'm sure you'll never forget things that have happen it's hard to forget.
we are all a work in progress and that's what we need to remember. We're not perfect, but we should be striving towards perfection. Perfection is Christ. All leading to that saying I heard someone say, "When I grow up I wanna be like Christ"
»memphiz: Yes it is hard to forget. Ill never forget I just want to forgive and move on...
»fuzzy: Yeah i Feel you. I strive to be the Perfect Me, someone who is happy and content with themselves. Ill never be perfect... but id like to at least be Content with myself.
I've struggled with this myself for years.. so I totally feel where your coming from with this one. I just learned to let it all go. Hope it's getting better for ya. :)
»deonte' k: It Will! It Always Does! Lol.
I know how you feel sometimes forgiving people can be hard, but at the end of the day when you think too hard about certain matters, but I know you will come out on top in the end.
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