Friday, January 23, 2009



I Absolutely Hate Asking people for favors.... Especially having to go out of my way to ask someone I really don't even talk to and dont even know. The positions I'm put in....Disgust..... SMH.


I have so much work to catch up on....... Yet here I Am...... On Blogger..............


Yesterday At the mall all I saw were Couples. Couples holding hands, smiling, happy. It put me in such a bad Mood. Especially after having to go out of my way earlier. Ugh.........


Last Night I had the weirdest dream..... The thing I remember vividly was Being at my great grandmothers house in OH on her porch and their was a Vulture on the sidewalk. As I realized what it was I transitioned into my Aunts room back in Ohio on her bed next to the window I used to always sit on. As I turned my head towards the door there were 3 Vultures. One was laying on the bed wrapped in the cover, the other by the door, and another on the wall farthest from me. The weird thing is that they all appeared to be either sleep or dead. I panicked thinking they would attack me and started opening up the window to jump out but as I looked out the window I realized how far up I was and came to a halt. one of the Vultures started to stir as if it was waking but then again I couldn't really tell. I sat on the bed wondering how to escape and I looked back and forth weighing my options climb out the window onto the roof and try to climb down or risk going through the door.

Then I woke up.

It was the weirdest dream I've ever had and one i just quite don't understand. Ive always been one to believe your dreams have meaning. But I'm at a complete Loss. The thing I keep thinking about is the Vultures and what they symbolize????? I guess ill have to Google and do some research......


3 Thoughts:

Unknown said...

i know what u mean by having to ask people for things ... vultures in the dream weird!! there usually around dead things.

fuzzy said...

i have always believed that there are 2 types of dreams. one type would be the dreams from divinity or sent by God. These come as visions, flashbacks, and most often come to tell us something. type 2 would be the mind over working creating images. these often put us in scenarios that we want to be in, or may come out in wierd useless forms. these dreams have less chance of having meaning.

im one that has random dreams infrequently. when i dream it is usually of a future event, and most often comes to pass.

that dream of yours i throw my hands up on...

PRIMO said...

@ Memphiz• Yeah I was thinking the same thing....

@Fuzzy• I still have no clue. My dad said to just pray on it.... If theirs a meaning god will make it clear.....