The Tribe Is 2-1 Now. They Lost Last Night 8-4. 1 more game just 1 more game.
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I Went to Cedar Point yesterday. So fun. Havent been there since Prom 2005. I rode any and everything. After waiting in line for almost a hour and 10 minutes we finally boarded the new ride The Maverick. It was definantly worth the wait. I bitched the entire time we were waiting. But afterwards i was happy. Its definantly Definantly worth the wait. Cedars Points prices are rediculous. $3.00 for a 20oz Soda that you would pay at the most a $1.29 in a grocery store. $1.50 For A Bag Of Chips $1.50 For 50 cent candybars like M&Ms and Snickers not even king size. $5.00 for cheese fries milkshakes. $3-4.00 for Pop. $7-10.00 For Meals like hamburgurs chicken fingers chinese wit fries. Did i mention $2.99 for a Eggroll. A EGGROLL!!!!!!!!!!! Rediculous. I Refused to pay that much money for food. so i kinda starved and survived off others of pop (which my mom paid $8.00 for the refillable cup and refills were a $1.06) till i got home. I was already tired from the night before gettin about 5 hours of sleep. My Papi slept over and i woke him up after i got dressed. Then we said our goodbyes and then he ended up getting lucky and going to cedar Point with his fam. i seen him for about 5 seconds :( at the power tower. :( but i didnt get to hang wit him. Cuz we lost sight of him in the halloween parade thing they had goin on. I feel sorry for him tho i know he tired. we got lil to no sleep the night before woke up at 8:30 to go to cedar point then he got home at like 11:00 and had to go to wake up for work @ 4:00am. Yeah i know my babys tired. I Love Him So Much. I just Hate to hear and see him stressed cuz he doin so much. Not to mention his family bought a bar and he helpin there part time also. So He doing alot. I love Him.
My BestFriend wentt to NYC. Lucky B. Can U say havent called since arriving. I Can already see someone walkin wit they RW scarf (in the summer time) at the movies or something. Serious. LMAO. Cant wait to here about it. lmao.
Ahem. Where are all the Fine ass Black Men like this where i live. I Mean If i went to school with Dudes like this i would be at EVERY Track Meet. Rooting for his ass. I Mean Look At this dude and tell me he wouldnt be worth losing your voice over. lmao
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Mr. Justin Tryon AKA Mr. Arizona State

1 Thoughts:
MMM i see u had a good time at cedar point and told me nothing about it. And yes i did call you. and no it was too damn hot for a scarf..but ehy were these girls wearing snow boots...SAD
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